Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Little Hat Was an Angel, but He Did Not Know He Was an Angel
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and John "Little Hat" to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 17, 2024

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the mother of Jesus and your mother. I always present myself like this, because it represents the will of God the Father Almighty, nothing is impossible to Him, He created and designed everything long before things happen, He always has the answer and explanation to everything, He is the Creator of all creatures, the Creator of nature, nothing escapes His eyes, nothing can prevent His will.
My children, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here in your midst. Today there is the very strong presence of Archangel Uriel, who covers the cave, the path, the bridge, the river and everything that has been blessed by the Holy Trinity. This place has been chosen since time immemorial, My Statue has been here many centuries, the signs, the confirmations that the world will have will be great, so that this truth will triumph, My Statue that was built by the Baptizing Community in ancient times, the community that marched toward salvation by passing on prayer, faith in My Son Jesus, they prayed night and day and wherever they were, when the sun came up they would stop and remember the words of My Son Jesus, breaking bread and drinking wine. The community was guided by the Holy Spirit, the Archangels protected everything they possessed, because they used everything to praise God the Father Almighty. They, when they completed the statue, asked the Holy Spirit to protect it always, until the end of time, those announced by My Son Jesus, and when they tried to destroy it, the Archangel Michael miraculously brought it here.
This cave underwent many transformations, after it was flooded, here there was a very great sign from heaven, the sun reflected on the cave and the whole path, its heat was five times stronger, to the point that no one could pass by here, this served to dry the cave so that it would be unshakable.
In the times he lived here My son John Little Hat, this cave became very special, many people walked the path to hear the choir of Angels, Little Hat loved this cave without knowing its importance, it was his home, his flock, his little flock was all he had, because He was left alone when His parents left this world, He was very afraid, He was small but many people loved Him, He showed joy when He greeted, He always smiled, then He came here and was sad. He kept his daddy's clothes, and one day down by the river he took them with him, because he missed his daddy, that day he was very cold, he was shivering because the sky was full of clouds, he closed his eyes and was enveloped by a warmth that burned his skin.
He thought he was dreaming, he could not open his eyes, but when he opened them he saw the sun reflecting off his daddy's dress, and from then on he called daddy the sun, he no longer felt lonely, but understood that his daddy was always by his side.
Little Hat was an Angel, but he did not know he was an Angel, an Angel who will serve the world with his extraordinary story, which belongs to this cave.
He also wants to talk to you to tell you about that day, He went down to the river and knelt down.
I knelt before the arches of the bridge, I was sad because I was lonely, I was clutching My daddy's clothes in My arms that I was guarding, I was crying and suddenly a ray of sunlight illuminated the dress, it was a different light, a special light, I felt the warmth of My daddy. From that moment My heart began to rejoice, I was sure that My Father would never leave Me again through the sunshine, which lit up all of Creation every day. I rose and ran here singing and dancing from the immense joy, I repeated looking at the sun, with you everything is more beautiful. The joy of that warmth enveloped Me.
When Little Hat arrived here in the Cave, he remembered that he had forgotten his clothes down by the river because of the great joy, and as he was going back he found them right in the Cave, and from that moment He decided to wear them despite the fact that they were bigger than Him.
My children, when the book is completed everything will be put in its place, and when it is read you will have many signs, you will see what you read.
My children, this peace that surrounds you is not of this world, the Archangel Uriel inflames and burns everything that offends the SS. Trinity, close your eyes, you will see a light, it is the fire that accompanies the Archangel Uriel, ask Him to drive away by burning every thought that leads you to temptation, you will feel a warmth in your head the moment you are answered, this will be the sign, pray with the heart My children, because only the prayer recited with the heart can be answered.
I love you, that is why I always wish to give you the joys, to console your hearts, to help you send away the evil, persevere in following this story that will soon be completed, even what we have revealed today must be remembered in the book.
My children, now I must leave you, John wishes to make an invitation to all of you before going away with Me.
Brothers, sisters, I invite you to persevere, tell everyone about this story, it is all truth, believe it with humility, it will be easier to bring many souls here, so that Mary with Her love can heal them and give them immense joys. Thank you, I love you.
I bless you all My children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.